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If you would like to have even more convenience at your fingertips, sign up for Valley Oak's free It's Me 247 Bill Pay. Pay all your bills from one location; all you need is an internet connection! You can set up all your payments through the Bill Pay system, whether it is an occasional bill or a reoccurring bill you may have every month.
To enroll, simply log in to It’s Me 247 as usual and click the Pay Bills link from the main menu. Step-by-step point and click instructions will guide you through enrollment and setup. After allowing for processing (approximately 24-48 hours), you’ll be ready to go. Just come back to It’s Me 247 and click the Pay Bills link again!
The video above has links to a Third Party Provider
Remember: Both the Home Banking and Online Bill Pay services are ABSOLUTELY FREE!*
Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure
* Some services in online bill pay, such as Expedited Payment and Popmoney, have a fee associated with each transaction.
The accuracy of our calculators and their applicability to your circumstances are not guaranteed. You should consult with a qualified professional regarding your particular circumstances.
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